Uniform, 2019. Tartan skirt with monitor.
The Mule, 2019. Monitor, table, steel mount. https://vimeo.com/355421738
Grid 2: Burgundy, Green and Yellow 2021, Ink on paper, 24 x 19 in.
The Longest Leg 2019-2021 used an anecdote of witnessed sexual harassment as a framework to explore relationships of power through vision. The works mimic the strategies for displacing vision on the part of the harasser (using a camera in place of sight, recording instead of touching, releasing the video to the internet instead of a live humiliation), while also reflecting on the involvement of the witness as a participant in the assault. This work was most recently exhibited in Fuller Rosen Gallery in Portland, OR, curated by Laurel V. McLaughlin.
Uniform, 2019. Tartan skirt with monitor.
The Mule, 2019. Monitor, table, steel mount. https://vimeo.com/355421738
Grid 2: Burgundy, Green and Yellow 2021, Ink on paper, 24 x 19 in.
The Longest Leg 2019-2021 used an anecdote of witnessed sexual harassment as a framework to explore relationships of power through vision. The works mimic the strategies for displacing vision on the part of the harasser (using a camera in place of sight, recording instead of touching, releasing the video to the internet instead of a live humiliation), while also reflecting on the involvement of the witness as a participant in the assault. This work was most recently exhibited in Fuller Rosen Gallery in Portland, OR, curated by Laurel V. McLaughlin.